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In August 2013 I was asked by Leland Chee (Lucasfilm Story Group) and Jonathan Wilkins (Editor of Star Wars Insider Magazine) to take care of the 'Rogues Gallery' feature under their supervision. Kevin Beentjes and Sander De Lange joined me in order to create four 'Rogues Galleries'.

Issue 145: Naboo's Finest
Issue 146: Clearance for Immediate Launch
Issue 147: The Devious Neimoidians Revealed
Issue 148: The Cloud City Wing Guards

New Contributions for Rogues Gallery

Naboo's Finest:

Carlon Brandes 
Nici Burrén (name)
Nathaniel Camaran (first name and rank)
Dineé Ellberger (first name and rank)
Danzal Galak Sr. 
Mett Habble (First identified as)
Lutin Hollis (First identified as)
Jerus Jannick (rank)
Tobias Pall (First identified as)
Baras Perosei (first name)
Cid Rushing (first name)
Jenn Smeel (1st identified as)
Hogan Tinmar (1st identified as)
Pedric Tosh


Clearance for Immediate Launch:

Tarrin Datch / Rogue 10 (identified)
Nala Hetsime / Rogue 7 (identified)
Vekozev Kabir / Rogue 8 (identified)
Tenk Lenso / Rogue 11 (identified)
Nichos Panib / Green 4 
Jek Pugilio / Rogue 11 (identified)
Beryann Raleg / Blue 8 
Will Scotian / Blue 3 (identified)
Gemmer Sojan / Blue 4 (identified)
Adam Swiftgale / Green 3 
Kulbart Zamoon / Blue 12 
Habeer Zignean / Green 5


The Devious Neimoidians

Viff Almay 
Hap Brehg 
Lufa Danak 
Jull Dremon (identified)
Fame Drimal 
Kund Ekorr 
Uunos Gooru (mentioned)
Aruteous Gunnay 
Ko Itub (mentioned)
Rina Itub (mentioned)
Zill Kartay 
Aito Laff 
Gap Nox 
OWO-3 (mentioned)
Sil Unch (identified)


The Cloud City Wing Guard:

Jann Derem 
Isdam Edian (first name)
Gir Endac 
Wilber Flagesso (first name)
Duncan Hikmat 
Corman Jeihn 
Samara Kebyc (first name)
Fin Mak'lath 
Alec Mard 
Fantes Mer'darro 
Bislav Merril (first name)
Allen Neff 
Atril Neff (first name and mentioned)
Ark Rutendo 
Bialar Selis 
Gem Sirrom (mentioned)
Jake Sirrom
Jell Spiel 
Helder Spinoza 
Pedar Solardo 
Razell Tameron 
High King's Guard (mentioned)
Couronne (mentioned)
Figg Daily Bulletin (mentioned)

















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