Your cup of Star Wars expertise
I've been working with Tim for over a year now on the De Agostini published, English language partworks project "Build the Millennium Falcon". This is an official Star Wars project overseen by Disney and by Lucasfilm publishing staff.
I brought Tim aboard because of his work on the official Star Wars website, as well as on other SW projects. Despite the fact that English is not his first language, I have had no serious issues with the excellent articles he hands in. They are always submitted precisely to brief and usually before any deadline I set. Yes, they may require a little additional editing due to minor syntax issues but, frankly, I've seen far, far worse published, let alone submitted, by writers for whom English is allegedly their first language.
Once our current project ends, I look forward to working with Tim again, as soon as a suitable project presents itself.
Iain Lowson
(Writing team lead on "Build the Millennium Falcon")
May 18, 2016